Sport4Empowerment – Enhancing Social Inclusion and Sustainability through Sport

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”
Programme Erasmus+ Action Type KA182-SPO – Mobility of sport staff (KA182-SPO)

Coordinator: EURO MIRADA
Euro mirada is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting human rights, social inclusion, active
youth participation, and fostering youth involvement in society through our work in the Erasmus+ field.
We believe that empowering young people and providing them with opportunities to engage in
international exchange programs can shape a better future for all.
Euro mirada carries out activities to promote intellectual, moral and emotional formation so that people undertake a personal reflection on the great challenges and problems that constitute our present in society. To this end, it works on the set of knowledge, skills, aptitudes and values that enable society to become aware of its personal and cultural identity and to reflect on ethical issues that are fundamental for coexistence.
In addition, Euro Mirada promotes sport and leisure and free time activities among different groups in
society, school children, young people, adults, people with disabilities and other groups.
Not only that. With its activity Euro Mirada spreads and encourages the practice of solidarity, promoting solidarity and social utility, participation, inclusion, human rights, youth policies, physical activity and sports, without restriction of age, ethnicity or social status.
The project
We applied for this project because we believe that sports are a powerful tool for social inclusion and community development. Euro Mirada, with its experience in promoting human rights and youth participation, seeks to improve the skills of its staff in using sports to integrate young people from vulnerable backgrounds. We identified a need to strengthen our practices, especially in environmental sustainability and the use of digital technologies in sports management. Through this project, we aim to learn from international organizations and apply these innovative approaches in our local programs, enhancing the impact of our activities in the community.
With this project, Euro Mirada aims to achieve several concrete objectives. First, we want to improve the skills of our staff in managing inclusive sports activities, enabling the integration of young people from vulnerable backgrounds and people with disabilities. We also seek to promote environmental sustainability in our sports activities by implementing eco-friendly practices and raising awareness among participants. Additionally, we aim to strengthen the use of digital technologies in organizing sports events, aligning with European trends. Lastly, we aspire to create an international cooperation network with other sports organizations to exchange best practices and enhance the quality of our local activities.
Euro Mirada will implement several key activities as part of the project:
Job Shadowing Mobility: We will send 10 coaches and volunteers to Rome, Italy, for 4 days to observe how local organizations use sports for social inclusion and sustainability. Participants will learn new methodologies that they can apply to our sports activities in Spain.
Preparatory Sessions: Before the mobility, participants will receive intercultural, linguistic, and sustainability training to ensure they make the most of the experience.
Dissemination Workshops: Upon returning, participants will organize local workshops to share the best practices learned with the rest of the team and the local community.
Implementation of New Methodologies: The techniques learned in Italy will be integrated into our sports activities, promoting inclusion and sustainability.
We expect the project to have several key outcomes:
Skills improvement: Euro Mirada staff and volunteers will gain new skills in managing inclusive and sustainable sports activities, enhancing the quality of our initiatives.
Sustainable practices: We will implement eco-friendly practices in our sports events, reducing environmental impact and raising participants’ awareness of sustainability.
Network strengthening: We will develop new international partnerships, facilitating future collaborations with sports organizations from other countries.
Local impact: The methodologies learned in Italy will be applied to our programs, creating a more inclusive and sustainable sports environment in the local community.